
Your “NO” Creates Balance and Rhythm

“Focus is about saying no!”

Steve Jobs

The word “no” isn’t something we like to hear as athletes. Especially when it comes to sport and competition. Usually, when you hear that word, it relates to not being able to do something you desire or are hoping for. Like, being in the starting line-out, on the travel squad, finally earning your scholarship, or missing out on your first pro contract.

However, the word “no” actually is of great significance! Especially when it gives you the freedom to zero in and focus on what matters most for you, who you are, your pursuits, your sport, and all that is valuable for you.

Rhythms, Balance, Ebbs and Flows

Your “no” creates a rhythm, an ebb and flow of life, or a symbolic balance like a teeter-totter on a playground. Every time you say “yes” or “no” to something there is an equal and opposite reaction. So every time you say “yes” to something you are saying “no” to something else, and vis versa. 

How do you know when it’s the right time to use this powerful 2 letter word?

You first need to answer the questions:

What are you fully focused on? What are you committed to right now?

Commitment is the key to knowing what to say “no” to each day. What are you fully committed to going after and pursuing? Your commitment gives you the confidence to say “no” to something good in order to be patient for something great! 

Patience is a difficult character skill to cultivate in our day and age of instant gratification and I want it now culture. Having clarity on what you are fully committed to, gives you the courage to be patient for what’s best for you; your sport, values, relationships, faith, time, and energy. 

“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”

Vince Lombardi

When you have committed to something, your “no’s” redirect your focus back toward that commitment. Your commitment helps you keep the main thing, the main thing; and going in the right direction. It’s important to remember that every “no” has an opposite reaction, and your commitment(s) give you the confidence to say “no” in order to say “yes” to what’s most important!

What do your “no’s” and commitments reveal about what you striving for today?

Your transition coach, 

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