
What does Success Mean for You?

“Winning and success is peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction and knowing you made the effort you did the best you are capable.” – Coach John Wooden

I am yet to meet an athlete that did not desire to be a winner. When I won on the basketball court or on the baseball field, it was amazing! It feels great to be a winner! And I am guessing you probably feel the same way. 

holding up the trophy

So when I was asked the question, “What does it mean to be a winner in life?” I wasn’t truly clear on what to say.

In sport, it’s easy to identify the winner; whoever has the most points, goals, runs, fasting time, or strokes under par. It’s measurable and trackable, therefore, making it is easy to identify. 

Not so much though in life!

How do you measure, keep score, or track winning in life?

One might say money, fame, size of your house, the number of houses, the vehicle you drive, followers on IG or Twitter, size of your network and friends, or the limited edition clothing line or watch on your wrist. 

The reality is that winning and success in life can take on many different forms. For you it may be money, a big house, others maybe control over their schedule, freedom to travel, leading or starting a business. What is exciting, but also could be overwhelming, is that winning or success can take on various forms and it is as clear as winning or success in sport. 

But that doesn’t mean it is less important or valuable to know and clarify what is success and winning for you and your life! It is actually more important to know and have clarity about winning in life. Because at some point you will or you already have stepped away from your sport. And the scoreboard isn’t as easily recognized to determine who or what is winning in your life!

Here are 5 questions to guide you toward clarity for what success and winning are for you!

  1. How do you want to be remembered as an athlete, and what is or will your athletic legacy be?
  2. How will your athletic legacy align with the legacy you desire to leave for your entire life?
  3. What do you view as impact work or actions that could change for better the world of others?
  4. If you could fast-forward twelve months from now, what is one accomplished, outside of your sport, that would reflect success to you?
  5. What have you done that aligns with your why, passion, and values?

Bonus Question: What five words would you use to define success for yourself?

Don’t fall into the trap that you define success the same as sports culture or other influences around you: money, power, and sex.

After answering these questions, put together a sentence or two that fully describes what success and winning are for you. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all definition for success and winning in life. There can be similarities or themes, but the beauty of life is that you have a choice on how you desire to journey through this life. 

My hope is that you can fully share with confidence that you are winning and have lived a successful life by clarifying what success means for you!

Your transitions are opportunities, seize them today!

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SHIFT: The Athlete’s Playbook 5 Proven Steps to life After Sport

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