
Is Greatness in Your Grasp?

What does it take to be GREAT at your sport, your job, and your life?

Is greatness in you?

Can you achieve it?

Winston Churchill said, “The price of greatness is responsibility!”

Responsibility…what do you think? Is that true? 

The choices you are making today are shaping the future you will experience. As athletes, that is why we train so hard because we know that the payoff will come in competition. You have taken personal responsibility for your sport by putting in the time, energy, work, focus, and sacrifice to be successful. 

So, what does personal responsibility look like for you and your life holistically?

Here are Four Essential Truths about Personal Responsibility

  1. You have a Choice – You make the conscious decision whether or not to take responsibility for your life. If you don’t, someone or something else will determine your path and direction. This is your first step, either take responsibility or give your power over to someone else! The choice is yours.  
  2. To Learn from Your Mistakes, You have to Own Them – We are finite humans, and mistakes are part of life, but your perspective drastically affects how you experience mistakes and how you navigate through them. Learn from your mistakes, own them, take risks, and keep moving forward! 
  3. You Can’t Rest on Your Victories – It feels great to hold the trophy and to be the champion, but eventually, someone else will be crowned and deemed the winner, someone else will be on the top of the podium, and records will be broken. That’s okay! The real problem arises when you stop growing and developing.  Don’t focus and settle on the victories of your past; rather, highlight what your success is and what your best will be in the future.
  4. Making Excuses or Blaming Others is Giving Away Your Power – When you blame someone or something else or make an excuse for why the failure or mistake occurred, what is being communicated is the results, victories, loss, growth, and development is determined by whoever or whatever is being blamed. Passing the blame onto someone else, we feel better about ourselves, and we create a sense that the mistake is no longer our own fault. Don’t fall into this trap! Take responsibility for your actions, learn from your mistakes, and grow!

These tips will help guide you to think bigger and broader than you may have ever thought before. The beauty of Imagining the Future is the dreaming aspect of the process. Take Responsibility, dream big and make the most of your imagination!

Your transitions are opportunities, seize them today!


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