
What’s your North Star?

“Outstanding people have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission.” – Zig Ziglar

When life comes at you fast or things completely out of your control derail what you are zeroed in on, how do you recover?

What do you have in place that prevents disorientation, delusion, and devastation from completely knocking you off course?

When I first learned how to ride a bicycle, one of the first lessons was not to stare at my pedals or even the ground right in front of the bike. My grandfather told me to find a target about 20 to 30 feet ahead and focus on it. To help you maintain balance keep your eyes fixed looking ahead as you move forward.

When you get a little wobbly, keep your eyes focused on your target and keep peddling.

It seems simple, and it is, yet so profound. When we have a target to aim at and stay focused on, we are able to navigate and ride through the present. Not be absent or neglect the present and only focus on the future, but keep yourself moving in an intentional direction. (I’ll share more on the journey vs. the destination in a later newsletter).

So how do you decide what to focus on? What’s your North Star?

Your first response might be a goal or tangible desired outcome, like winning the championship. But what if your target was an ideal, a character skill, or a mantra?

You may have heard of companies or organizations having a mission statement, but have you ever thought about creating your own personal mission statement?

There are two steps in writing your personal mission statement. First, answer a few key questions to help you clarify and gather ideas and thoughts about who you are and who you desire to become. Secondly, use the guidelines below to craft and write out your personal mission statement

Let’s Go!

5 questions to gather your thoughts, ideals, hopes, and goals to create your personal mission statement:

  1. Using your personal values as a filter, what is important to you? 
    (click the link to –> explore and clarify your personal values)
  2. Where do you want to go – How do you want your life to look physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, and mentally?
  3. What does the best look like for you?
  4. Compare and Contrast: How would people describe you and how do you desire people to describe you? What do you change or maintain?
  5. What impact do you hope to leave? How will those you invest in be influencing and impacting sport, neighborhoods, communities, and the world? 

Now for the fun, after answering these questions, begin writing out your personal mission statement!

Here are a few guidelines to aid as you craft and pen your personal mission statement:                

  • Keep it simple and short so you can memorize it.
  • Make sure your values, passions, and dreams are included in the statement.
  • Make sure to solve a problem you are passionate about, be part of the solution. 
  • Increase your self-awareness and incorporate skills, traits, and abilities.
  • Finally, it’s ok to make changes and adjustments along the journey. 

When you have a strong sense of mission and direction, regardless of what life and sport through at you, you can develop the fortitude, confidence, and courage to keep going.

Your personal mission statement brings clarity to your mission, purpose, and meaning here on earth. My personal mission statement is to “live to be at my best so I can assist others to do the same.”

My hope is that you grow in your understanding of who you are, your purpose, and your meaning in this world. You are unique, have a powerful story to share, and are given the opportunity to positively impact your world!

Stay on track, keep your North Star in focus and maximize the transitions you experience today! 

Your transition coach, 

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SHIFT: The Athlete’s Playbook 5 Proven Steps to life After Sport

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