
What’s Your Relationship with Accountability?

“It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.”

What is your relationship with accountability? What emotion and thought comes to mind when you think about being held accountable for your actions or inactions? 

For me, accountability, can have a love-hate relationship – do you feel that same way too?

What would it look like for you to see and experience accountability as a positive and value-add for you, your life, relationships, sport, finances, faith, skills, and talents?

My experience has been that athletes, coaches, and others tend to see accountability as a negative unless it will directly benefit the individual or parties involved. For example, a coach will keep her players accountable because it will potentially produce better results for the coach and team. Or a professor will keep you accountable to get your work done in class, otherwise, you will not pass the course.

What would it look like for you and your current reality to view, feel, and experience accountability as a positive value for your life and growth? 

3 Positive Outcomes of Accountability:

1) Accountability sees the best in you!

2) Accountability compels you to bring your best!

3) Accountability brings to fruition the vision in your mind and aspirations. 

Accountability is essential to becoming your best self and achieving the goals and hopes you have for your life and impact. Being accountable for your actions or inactions will establish key disciplines in your life that will become the guardrails for decisions, direction, and the path you navigate moving forward. 

One quick bonus thought: who you allow yourself to be accountable to has a significant impact on how you view yourself, pursue growth and development, and create impact in the present and in your future! When building your team, think about those who are in your corner, desire the best for you, and care and love you for you will be the best team members.

You always have a choice, so choose wisely who you will allow to hold and keep you accountable!


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