
Your Wealth of Experience!

Have you ever wondered how your experience as a professional or elite athlete would transfer over to other areas of life and careers?

It’s an interesting thought though…How could your experience of preparing for a game, navigating a loss, rebounding from a mistake, a weekly routine of training/practice, or remaining focused and determined throughout the ups and downs of an entire season?

There is value in taking a step back and looking at what you have accomplished, navigated, and experienced as an athlete; gathering up as much of those experiences or ingredients as possible and sitting with them for a moment. 

There is an old adage, the forest amidst the trees. Basically, when you are in the forest you only see the trees around you, but when you step outside or above the trees you can see the entire forest. Just like the photo of Kobe Bryant. There is the photo in its entirety, but also many smaller pictures within it. 

As an athlete that is what you are doing with your experience in chapter 3 of SHIFT. You are gathering up all of your experiences as an athlete, taking inventory, and after taking them all in, beginning to see or dream how everything could be used, maximized, or leveraged in the future. Taking each individual picture or image and then collecting them to create something greater, more profound, and significant. 

Your experience is not wasted, it is a building block to your future, and what you are or can build and create in the future.  

Hitting pause to reflect you are increasing your capacity, scope, and ability. Ultimately guiding as you rise to new levels.

Your transitions are opportunities, and sometimes you need to rest or step back, in order to realize what you have established in order to level up!


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SHIFT: The Athlete’s Playbook 5 Proven Steps to life After Sport

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