Why You Need a Coach!

Why You Need a Coach!

Why You Need a Coach! “It’s what you learn, after you know it all, that counts!”John Wooden I remember my first coach ever, it was my dad. I was 5 years old and I was playing tee-ball. This wasn’t ultra-competitive, half the kids on the field...
How Committed Are You

How Committed Are You

Your “NO” Creates Balance and Rhythm “Focus is about saying no!” Steve Jobs The word “no” isn’t something we like to hear as athletes. Especially when it comes to sport and competition. Usually, when you hear that word, it...
What’s your North Star?

What’s your North Star?

What’s your North Star? “Outstanding people have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission.” – Zig Ziglar When life comes at you fast or things completely out of your control derail what you are zeroed in on, how do you...
How do you know if you are winner?

How do you know if you are winner?

What does Success Mean for You? “Winning and success is peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction and knowing you made the effort you did the best you are capable.” – Coach John Wooden I am yet to meet an athlete that did not desire to be...
How to Build a Team and Where to Start

How to Build a Team and Where to Start

How to Build a Team and Where to Start There is an old adage that states, You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.Have you heard that before? Yes, No, or Possibly? When you think it that statement, it makes sense. Those 5 people...
Thinking with the End in Mind Revisited?!

Thinking with the End in Mind Revisited?!

Thinking with the End in Mind Revisited?! This week I wanted to share a little snippet of the book from Chapter 10 entitled Thinking With The End In Mind Revisited.It is all about your perspective and how you view your sport, your journey so far, and your target...